Sam Edelman knows the secrets of my soul...

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Sam Edelman knows the secrets of my soul...
Just sayin'.

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Title: "MANSON" (Part 3)

This is part 3 of my sophomore history project.

It's kinda stupid, but oh well. :)

All music is used strictly for entertainment, YouTube!:
"Star Wars Theme" - John Williams
"A Team Theme Song"
"Drag Me To Hell" Soundtrack - Christopher Young
"Why So Serious (From The Dark Knight)" - Hanz Zimmer
"The Andy Griffith Show Theme Song"
"Theme From Dragonheart" - Randy Edelman
"String Bean" - Belle And Sebastian
"Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Cheers Theme)" - Gary Portnoy
"War (From Avatar)" - James Horner
"Theme From Wheel Of Fortune"
"The Benny Hill Show Theme Song"
"The Black Rider (From Lord Of The Rings)" - Howard Shore
"Bad Reputation" - Joan Jett
"Goblin March"
"The Pretender" - Foo Fighters
"Burn It To The Ground" - Nickelback
"Nero Sighted (From Star Trek)" - Michael Giacchino
"The Surrender" - Ennio Morricone
"Come On, Come In" - Velvet Revolver

Title: CDC Chief Admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism

Julie Gerberding, the head of the CDC, went on CNN's House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta to discuss the Hannah Poling case and admitted that vaccines trigger autism in a subset of the population with mitochondrial disorders.

It is time for Dr. Gerberding to answer some hard questions before congress.

Call for congressional hearings into the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund autism cases, so we can find out what the government knows about the relationship between vaccines and autism.

Addendum: Gerberding/CDC/HHS has given several names to the phenomenon of Vaccine Induced Autism. Gerberding calls it the "symptoms of autism" in this interview, "autism like syndrome" during a previous CDC press conference and HHS refers to it as "vaccine induced encepalopathy" on their website for the Vaccine Injury Compensation fund.

I wrote this piece (see link below) to point out the absurdity of trying to fool the American people into thinking that vaccines cause something that looks exactly like autism, and in fact is diagnosed as autism by every professional the child sees, but is actually an "autism like syndrome" with the "symptoms of autism" that occurred following a "vaccine induced encepalopathy" which has the exact same symptoms as autism, but it is not really autism... oh... and by the way... vaccines don't cause autism.

It is time to end the word games and deal with the problem.

UPDATE: I have closed the comments for now as it was becoming a mess. People justifiably want to discuss the role of vaccines in the autism epidemic in detail, but the commenting format with its character limit, scrambled message/reply order and inability to link is not the place for this complicated debate. Trying to have a debate here is making me nuts.

I invite you to leave your comments about the video on the comments section of my blog where the video was originally posted, where linear and exhaustive commenting, with linking to source material can take place:

Hopefully this will make for more fruitful discussion.

UPDATE: Dr. Gerberding resigned from her post at the request of the Obama Administration when he took office on January 20th, 2009.

She quickly went to work for Global PR giant Edelman, who represents PHARMA and several of their member companies like Merck. Edelman is responsible for the "One Less" Guardasil campaign.

She served on the "Edelman Global Task Force on H1N1 Influenza", appearing on media outlets encouraging swine flu vaccination, even referring to vaccines as "magical", but never mentioned that she was now working as paid vaccine salesman.

On December 21, 2009, Merck announced that Julie Gerberding would be the new head of their vaccine division. Merck makes the MMR that injured Hannah Poling.

Current guidelines are that someone cannot go to work for a company that they have regulated for one year and three business days.

That would be January 25th 2010 for Julie.

Right on time.

My guess, this was really the plan all along. Watch the video again. Suddenly it makes sense just why she would make such a fool of herself by going on TV and saying that vaccines do and do not cause autism. She probably knew that her pay off was less than two years away.

Want the full story and her corruption in the vaccine autism connection?


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