How was your holiday? I hope you were able to squeeze in the teeniest bit of time for yourself! I barely managed to take a little time for myself last night to watch an amazing documentary (which deserves a post all its own later this week!)
I've managed to move up the what-dish-are-you-bringing-to-Thanksgiving-ranks since Shug made our relationship "official." Instead of store-bought rolls or salad, I was allowed to bring *gasp* the MASHED POTATOES this year!!!!!!!!!!! See! Marriage has all of these hidden perks!!! The treasure chest overfloweth, I tell ya.
Anyway, I wanted to knock socks off in the mashed potato department and I had the lovely opportunity to give these hallowed mashers a "test run" with the company at Friendsgiving. And the results were great! All the friends gave my new recipe the green light for my family Thanksgiving the following week.
But wouldn't cha know, that these mashers were just too stinking "weird" for the palates of traditionalists...my family politely picked at their mounds of taters, but as I helped with the dishes, it was these molded peaks that were hitting the trash can...! Thanksgiving fail.
I've been demoted back to salad, FYI.
So, I urge you to proceed with caution with this recipe and think about your guests and what appeals most to their "ideas" about what potatoes should "do." Are they a dish all their own and can stand up to the robust flavors of their accompanying dishes? Or are they merely a blank slate, a medium to hold overly-salted gravy and turkey on the way to the mouth? THINK about it.
Lemon Rosemary Mashers
Serves 8-10...or two people with leftovers for days since no one would eat them
7-8 pounds new potatoes, scrubbed clean and cut into large chunks, unpeeled
8 cloves peeled and cleaned garlic
1 brick Neufatchel (sp?) cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups sour cream
Zest of one lemon
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 stick of unsalted butter
2 large sprigs of fresh rosemary plus a few more sprigs for garnish
salt and pepper
Bring a large pot of heavily salted water, garlic cloves, and the potatoes to a boil, making sure all of the potatoes are covered with water. Boil for 45 minutes to an hour or until the potatoes are easily pierced with a knife. Drain potatoes and garlic and return to the pot.
Add the butter, Neufatchel cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and lemon zest. Mash your heart out. When your arms get tired, take a break to finely mince the rosemary leaves that have been cleaned from their stalks. Add this to the potatoes with some pepper. Mash until it's all incorporated. Take a quick taste to see if you need any more salt, since you boiled the potatoes in the salted water, you may not need to add any!
Transfer to serving dish and add the extra rosemary sprigs for garnish. Pray your guests are the open-minded-about-potatoes-crowd.
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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
In this video, Betty demonstrates how to make 3 different low calorie popcorn recipes. The flavors are Cheese Popcorn, Garlic-Herb Popcorn, and Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Popcorn. These are perfect for munching on while you watch a movie or ballgame. Or, you can enjoy it as a comfort food when you want to curl up on the couch! You can also have this popcorn guilt-free, because it is very low in calories!
Ingredients (to make 1 bowl of each type of popcorn):
3 serving-sized bowls of popped popcorn, with unpopped kernels removed (For best results, use microwave popcorn, so you can keep track of calories per serving. Note: You will be able to find microwave popcorn that has only 15 calories per popped cup, if you check the nutrition information on the package. This is very low, but also very important in keeping this a low calorie snack. Just microwave the popcorn, according to package directions.)
butter-flavored spray (or any oil spray that is fat free and has 0 transfats. I use Parkay spray.)
for Cheese Popcorn:
cheese flavored sprinkles, to taste (I find this with the herbs and spices at my grocery store.)
for Garlic-Herb Popcorn:
garlic herb seasoning blend (I find this with the herbs and spices at my grocery store. It is McCormick brand. If you cannot find this, use an Italian herb blend, or other herbs and spices of your choice.)
for Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Popcorn:
¼ cup brown sugar
ground cinnamon, to taste
To make one bowl of flavored popcorn, place popped popcorn in your serving bowl. Spray generously with fat-free butter-flavored spray.
For Cheese Popcorn, shake on cheese sprinkles, to taste. Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and cheese.
For Garlic-Herb Popcorn, shake on garlic-herb seasoning blend, to taste. Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and garlic-herb seasoning blend.
For Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Popcorn, mix ¼ cup of brown sugar with ground cinnamon, to taste. Sprinkle a fine sprinkling over the sprayed popcorn. (Don't use too much of this, because it *will* add calories to your popcorn!) Stir to coat popcorn with butter-flavored spray and brown sugar-cinnamon mixture.
If you used the method described here, you can have 6 cups of deliciously flavored popcorn for less than 100 calories! Enjoy!!! Happy movie! Happy ballgame! Happy comfort food!
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Raw Food Weight Loss *
Vegetable Juice Recipes *
Raw Vegetable Diet *
Free Juicer Recipes *
Vegetable Juicing *
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❤ The Lifesaver Vegetable Juice ❤
* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1 bunch Collard Greens
1 bunch Cilantro
1 bunch Parsley (flat leaf)
1 bunch Red Chard
1 bunch Mustard Greens
2 Carrots*
1 Tomato
1 Cucumber*
*unpeeled if organic, peeled if inorganic
* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Run all ingredients thru your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you. http://JUICERS.life-regenerator.com
2) Add ice if desired & enjoy!
* I n s p i r a t i o n *
I was talking to someone today about prostate cancer & it inspired me to share with you what I'd personally do if I had cancer. Remember, this is not medical advice! I'm simply letting you know what I would do.
I don't have a desire to cure anyone of anything, nor attack any diseases. I simply want to share with you my passion for achieving, maintaining & increasing my health...& let you know all the tips, tricks, tools, techniques, lifestyle & dietary choices I've personally found to be the most conducive for this...& that I've since observed working for others too. It's up to you what you want to do with this information. You may take it or leave it...as remember, I'm not giving you medical advice.
As many of you know, my good friend Dave the Raw Food Trucker has personally healed himself of Type II Diabetes & Stage IV Colon Cancer by consuming raw green vegetable juices like this one across the span of many weeks....oh, and he lost close to 200 pounds too. You can check out the ongoing series of videos I do with him here: http://bit.ly/mbyII
So if I had cancer, I'd bring the life force into my body & flush out dead, dying cells. Most importantly, I would strengthen up all my healthy cells & immune system with food that is meant for the human body & I would concentrate all that energy & nutrition into a living juice, so that my cells can immediately be bathed in nutrition & hydration.
At first glance this juice might not appear 'pretty,' but once you drink it you're gonna see just how unreal & absolutely delicious it tastes!
What's been going on in the 'real world' with regards to overcoming disease & finding health just doesn't appear to be working...organs & glands are being cut out & harsh treatments are done which damage our healthy cells & acidify the body.
For me, I instead choose to CULTIVATE LIFE! I wash the cells & tissues of my body clean, as well as strengthen & alkalize them! Attacking dead cells while also attacking one's healthy & living cells just doesn't make any sense to me personally.
Which one of these sounds better to you?
A) Attack all of the cells in your body, both diseased & living, OR;
B) Strengthen the healthy, living cells of your body
Well, if I wanted to live a long life full of health, vitality & strength then I personally would be choosing option 'B.'
For those who think that me drinking green juice if I had cancer instead of getting chemo or radiation is pure quackery, then I say this: "Well, since most people are NOT getting rid of their cancer through conventional treatments & neither are many of those people getting healthy from chemo....well, drinking green juices certainly couldn't hurt then, now could it...especially if I had already tried the conventional treatments & they had not worked...for not only would I not be damaging my healthy cells in the process of drinking that living green juice, but I would be STRENGTHENING them!"
I may not have a bunch of fancy letters after my name, but what I do have is the LOVE...and a caring for YOU & for the TRUTH. I don't claim to hold the golden key to Truth...but I am always driven by it & I'm always seeking it.
One could choose to decide to simply try drinking green juices for just a month or two, to see what happens! So why not simply *try* the green juice path? To neutralize acidity, clear congestion, lose weight, and/or possibly heal oneself of cancer or diabetes like Dave did?
Too many complex carbohydrates & animal foods + not enough live-giving fruits & vegetables from Mother Earth has essentially lowered the cellular respiration in your body...your cells literally can't breathe & so can't get the energy they need to function optimally.
I love you all.
Peace, Dan
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