Next week I finally get to reveal the office redo and our new branding! Its pretty fabulous and I can't wait to share it with everyone. I came across this picture and couldn't believe how much it reminded me of all that inspired our new look. Modern and classic blended together. So look for the big reveal next week!

photo courtesy of Martha Stewart Weddings
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Related Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article.
On October 25th, an audience of financial managers and CEOs, politicians, central bankers and nobel prize winning economists at The Economist Magazine's Buttonwood Gathering were treated to an unusual experience: a live rap battle between John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek.
Following a presentation by Nassim Taleb, the lights went down in the auditorium and Fear the Boom and Bust blasted onto the screen. This video picks up at the end of that special presentation, where Keynes and Hayek stepped onto the stage to give a preview of the next EconStories music video.
In the final new video, which will be completed in the months ahead, expect many more lyrics and an all new beat.
Lastly, Russ Roberts and John Papola took the stage with John Micklethwait, editor-in-chief of The Economist for a brief Q&A about the origins of FTBB and the resurgence of Hayek in the global debate over the economy.
The complete set of presentations are available at
Round and Round music video coming to Disney Channel this Sunday June 20th
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